Traditional Massage
A well known ancient Thai healing art, focusing on acupressure, gentle stretches & twisting on tense muscles, and energy meridians ( Zen lines ) in order to release any energy blockages and stagnation in the body. Benefits: It balances the chi & prana, ( vital energy ) reduces stress, promotes relaxation, and includes peace of mind.
A. Royal session

For the purpose of relaxation, the soft & tender massage is suitable to aid in the balancing of your body and mind, will also improve and correct the
proper breathing, stimulates energy circulation and greater flexibility.
B. Private session

The hard & strong treatment help reduce blockages and stagnant energy can be dispersed the whole
energy system can be helped directly over the navel and surrounding abdominal areas where stress tension and negative emotions accumulate and congest.
60 Mins
LAK : 300,000
USD : 15
THB : 460
90 Mins
LAK : 450,000
USD : 22
THB : 690
120 Mins
LAK : 600,000
USD : 30
THB : 920